Exploring the concept of the “observer participator” and the intricate relationship between the past, present, and future. The notion of past and future existing interdependently, giving us the choice to observe making us participants in the shaping of the observable. The past is not isolated but intertwined with our act of observation, making us co-creators of our reality through perception.
The series highlights the pursuit of order beyond mere entropic velocity, hinting at a deeper complexity fundamental to our awareness. Language and artistic mediums are employed to convey emotions and awareness, culminating in the idea of “saturation” as a journey towards self-awareness.
‘Self-Excited Circuit’ is a cyclical journey from simplicity to complexity and back to simplicity, mirroring the dynamic nature of existence. Ultimately, it posits that as we articulate our thoughts, we bring them into existence, illustrating the anthropological essence of all observable phenomena. Each aspect explored in the artwork offers insight into the intricate web of relationships that define our reality, embracing a teleological perspective.